Friday, August 22, 2008

kindergarten and camping

We found out today that Elsa will be in Miss Lewandowski's class for kindergarten. Yay! We love Miss L. She's a wonderful kindergarten teacher. The interesting thing is that it will be an afternoon kindergarten class! Wow! Roseville schools generally try to do morning only, but there were so many kindergarten kids this year that they had to add an afternoon class. Elsa loves Miss Lewandowski, so all should be well. Wish us luck!

We also reserved our camping trailer for our September trip to Patrick's Point state park in September. We ordered a trailer hitch for the van, too, and Drew will be installing that himself. Going to be an expensive trip, but we're all looking forward to it!

1 comment:

Carolina said...

um, hellooooo!!!! You're supposed to check with me about a camping date... duh!!! Geez... I can't believe you guys! Have fun... see you never!!! :) Just kidding!

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