Friday, August 15, 2008

The fun continues

Evan has discovered that he can drag chairs around the house to reach things he normally can't. Like the 10-gallon aquarium on his dresser. Yesterday he dumped half a container of fish food into the tank.

And today he dumped the other half in.

He has also decided that he is on the every-other-day plan for naps. Fun times.

I continue to confuse and befuddle the folks at Sierra College. I called yesterday with a question about the assessment test, and the woman with whom I spoke informed me that the test was full for the 19th and there was no room for me. "Never mind."

So, I struggle on, dealing with college red tape. It will be a miracle if I actually get any classes this semester.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Well they fish wont be hungry for a few days LOL :-)

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