This is my new Kromski Sonata spinning wheel!! I got it for Mother's Day. We drove up to Placerville so I could just look at the wheel, since I'd been researching forever, and Drew took the kids to the farmer's market so I could take my time. The girls came back into the shop and said, "Daddy says it's Mother's Day so you can do whatever you want." So I did.
The Kromski wheels are all very beautiful, very old-world looking. They are hand made by a family in Poland. This Sonata is their newest model. After much adjusting of pins and knobs and bands, I have found the sweet spot, and am working on spinning merino from the fold, deciding that I am basically allergic to that soft bu terribly slippery Angora rabbit fiber, and LOVING the wool from Jacob sheep. Especially the carded and then pin-drafted sliver (pronounced sly-ver) of the Jacob wool, prepared by Robin Lynde from Meridian Jacobs farm in Vacaville. I have also spun some fiber from a corriedale cross, but it is combed top and harder to work with, also is easier to spin from the fold. In addition, my friend Denise Raasch bought some romney/llama blend fiber from Heron View farms at the Conference of Northern CA Handweavers (which was a really fun time!) and I spun a little of it. Now I wish I had bought some, too!!
Spinning from the fold, simplified:
In other news, my 5K race is on Saturday--two days away! Yikes! I am tired, menstrual, and Evan has not been sleeping well. I may have to either take away naps altogether, or shorten them by about half. He has been up until 10 and waking up at 5. Yuck.
And, thanks to Mike Simpson for volunteering to run with me, while Drew watches the kids. :)
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