Sunday, May 18, 2008


Well, as I lay in bed waiting for our house to cool off (which took until about 3 a.m.) I went over my performance in the 5K yesterday. I sucked. I was too tired. The no air conditioning thing has kept all of us from sleeping well for about a week. (We're a real cranky bunch right now. You should come visit, it's great.) Also my diet has been crap lately. I had been watching it very carefully, but about a month ago I fell off the wagon and just started eating whatever I wanted again. Bad move.

So, I'm listing a bummer diet and no sleep, in addition to not training hard enough, as the factors for my fussiness and overall crummy run yesterday. Crap. It's hard to keep a decent training schedule when I have kids' school activities, Drew has weird work hours, and it's 103 degrees outside! I guess I'll be hitting the treadmill at Anne's again.

I did, however, get a new spinning book in the mail yesterday. "Hands on spinning" by Lee Raven. I can't wait to try out her tips and techniques. :)

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