Saturday, June 20, 2009

Potty training part 2

Evan is doing so well! He peed on the potty this morning, and his night time diaper was barely wet! I credit using cloth diapers, and, of course, my genius son. ;) I used cloth diapers with him, so he has always been able to tell when he was wet. This was one of the reasons I chose cloth for him.
I'm not saying we are done with potty training, of course, but he "got it" much faster than my girls--who wore disposable diapers. Another tip of mine is to wait until your child is three years old. Tried at two years old with my girls, but it was so frustrating for them and me that I ended up stopping and waiting until they were three. Seems much easier at three--the kid is able to pull the undies up and down, they are better at communicating their needs, and muscle control is more developed.

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