Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Scottish Games

The kids and I went to the Scottish Games in Wodland last weekend. We took Nana and Papa (my parents) and they loved it too! The girls got their hair braided, which they absolutely loved, and Evan enjoyed looking at all the animals. The frisbee dogs were awesome!


Here are some pictures from our Easter in Galt.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Desi's Easter bling

No, I don't even have Easter outifts for my kids yet. But Desi has her Easter bling, thanks to Crystal at "Fashion Fo Paws" in Lincoln, CA. It has little sparkly Easter chicks on it!

Desi doesn't seem to have a problem with her new "lovely" but Evan hates it. He keeps going up to her and yanking it off in one swift movement, while screeching "She doesn't like this, Mommy!" Then he tries to throw it in the trash. Drew thinks this is all quite hilarious, and rolls his eyes when I put it on her.
Kill joys. They're all lucky I didn't get a custom Easter dress made for the dog, because Crystal makes those, too. ;)

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