Friday, June 12, 2009

Still alive!

We're still alive and kicking. Just crazy busy. I have pictures of Emma's birthday party, among other things, on my camera. I need to liberate those cute pics!

I have completed my college-level courses in real estate, and have received my completion certificates. Today I will be mailing my application to take the state exam. I have also been given the opportunity to work as an assistant with a local real estate company! I'm so excited to be in the work force again, but (second to having kids) returning to work is probably the scariest thing I have done! I am happy, though, to finally be working in the field that I have been interested in since befoe I had children.

Emma completed 1st grade and was given awards for Excellence of Character, Academic Excellence (straight A's the WHOLE YEAR), and a certificate for being one of the top five runners in 1st grade--she ran over 46 miles during the course of the school year! She was also awarded a reading medal!

Elsa finished kindergarten and has made great strides in reading. She was doing her sister's 1st grade math homework as well. (She did not get her math skills from me, as most of you know!) Elsa was friends with everyone in her class and one of Miss Lewandowski's most dedicated "assisstants."

I continue to be active at the girls' school, servng on the PTC board in the capacity of secretary and several other volunteer/coordinator positions. Luckily, we are one of the lucky PTC boards on which everyone actually likes each other and works well as a team!

Evan will be turning 3 on June 30th. Can you believe it? We have started potty-training but he is really not very interested. Now that the girls are out of school and our schedule is freer, we will be a little more consistent and hopefully find success! (Wish us luck!)

Drew continues to love his new position at the CHP academy; driving instructor. Yeah, I know...he has found his dream job. He has also been bicyclig to work (a 60-mile round trip) with a co-worker. Insane.

Hope you enjoyed our little update. I promise to post pics soon!

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