Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Transporter 3

You all probably know that I have the hots for Jason Statham. Mmmmm....Jason Statham....sorry! Where was I? Oh, yes!
Anyway, Drew and I arranged for a quiet evening at home together to watch this kill-em-all action flick. Little did we know it would turn into a "chick flick" complete with cuddling and whispered promises. PUKE!
The best parts, of course, were the fight scenes. Of course he had to take his shirt off to kick ass poperly! But, even these scenes which are normally my fave, were irritating. 16 guys with machine guns and he dispatches them all? With no firepower of his own? And the chick in this one is especially annoying...wimpy, whiney, and useless and this is the one he picks to settle don with at the end? PUH-LEEESE!!
A quick review here, I know, and not very in-depth, but my advice is to fast forward to the fight scens where he is forced to disrobe, and then skip to the end credits.

1 comment:

Poconut said...

Wow! You are a harsh critic. Now I'm afraid to let you watch Twilight!! LMAO!

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