Actually, it's great having him around, but he's been working so hard on this second building that he's constructing in our back yard that we've hardly seen him. He goes back to work on Monday after three weeks off. It's wonderful to have him around for every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, our back yard is a mess of construction materials, power tools, sawdust, etc. So, my days are spent keeping Evan from removing his limbs with a large saw. Or, helping Drew load 8-foot-long pieces of plywood or siding onto a cart at Home Depot with Elsa and Evan in tow. "Here, have more M&M's and stay in your stroller!" I wish I was strong enough and tall enough to really help him, but I do what I can by having his meals ready and bringing him water and Gatorade.
Sunday we are going to spend the day with the kids, and then he and I are going out for an early dinner together. We usually just end up going to Chipotle and splitting something, so it's not very glamorous, but any time by ourselves is awesome, and we don't have to spend a ton of money. Being happy with the simple stuff is so important!
I'll post pics of this building, or "Man Land" as we are calling it, as soon as I can. Drew is building it like a real house; he's framed it, wrapped it in the Tyvek homewrap stuff, put siding on, and is working on the roof. It's quite something. It'll be really pretty when he's done. He's polled the girls for color ideas. Elsa wants rainbow. We'll see...
It's April, say what?
1) It is already April. How this happened I do not know. I will probably
say this again on May 2nd as well. 2) I haven't been writing here. I enjoy
11 years ago
Great the google earth pics will be divine and you can see your rainbow colored shed/2nd housey-thingy. I cannot wait to see his mancave construction. :-D
Belle will second the vote on the rainbow paint! I've promised her a rainbow room when we own again someday.
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