Friday, June 27, 2008

cmbing vs. flick carding

Well, I don't much like the flick carder. Oh, well! Worth the $15 investment to find out! I tried the cormo locks mentioned in the previous post from today with my $8 two-row (two pitch) dog comb from PetCo. I liked the resulting product much better than the flicked fiber. Now I know why people like combs, and I tend to spin worsted anyway...combs produce a fiber better suited for spinning that way.

In the pics you can see the fanned lock, held butt end in my fingers, and the dog comb. (Top photo.) The middle is after the second pass with the comb, holding the fanned end in my fingers and combing the butt end. Bottom pic is the final product, after I drafted it out a bit. The comb definitely gets out more neps and teensy short fibers than the flick carder, but it seems like it leaves more "waste" behind. Oh, well! Garden mulch! My tomatoes and peppers are comfy in their little wool beds. :)


Lisa said...

Very nice! That is going to be so much fun to spin.

Lisa said...

This is wonderful. It looks like it is so yummy. That is going to be so much fun to spin.

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